Friday, September 24, 2010

"DELTA sucks" - Customer experiences

I definitely believe that if a company increases their value the more the customer will want to continue using and spread good word of mouth for the company. The more features and benefits the more the customers see value in the product or service. Of course these features have to be with in limits because it could be too much for the customer. It could actually do the reverse, decrease the value and deter them away. I believe that Southwest airlines have been great at giving their customers great features, and benefits for a well-priced ticket. I found out about this great company through a bad customer experience with Delta Airlines. My friends and I flew to Las Vegas for the weekend for friend’s birthday. My friend had never flown before and I had not flown since I was seven. I had forgotten the feeling so it was like I was flying for the first time again. We were pretty excited and scared at the same time.
Once on the plane and over the first adrenaline rush of taking off we starting noticing a few things. The flight attendants were not very friendly, not accommodating, and did not seem like they enjoyed their jobs. They were too direct when customers asked questions and were very strict on what we could and could not do while on the flight. They made you feel like you were not capable of understanding, and we didn't feel comfortable even getting up to go to the bathroom. It kind of put a damper on how excited we were and it changed the mood of everyone on the plane. I mean we were going to Vegas! All the people were excited and ready to have fun. So that was our first encounter with Delta Airlines and we had our weekend fun Vegas.
 On the way back to Austin we were also using Delta. My friend and I take a taxi at around 3:00 since our flight left at 4:15. We get to the airport and we get there like at 3:15. We waited in line to use the computers to check in and once we got to them we tried inputting our information. It would not work and we tried several times. We ended up getting in line to talk to the Delta representative at the counter. She inputs our information and tells us that it’s too late check in and that we are going to have to wait for another flight. We looked at our watches and we said its 3:30 the flight does not leave until 4:15. She was like your too late you have to be here forty five minutes in advance to check in. Of course we told her that we were but that the computers were not taking our information and its still 45 minutes until check in. She did not want to hear it, all she kept saying was it is policy and you will need to contact Delta to find another flight. We kept telling her that we needed to be back because we have school and work the next day. She was not helpful or even cared about our situation. We ended up crying and begging to be let on the plane but she kept referring us to the phones they had on side. We were so mad, frustrated, and did not have a flight home. Other Delta reps come over and tell us the same thing to go to the phones because they have other people to check in. They had no sympathy at all and did not try to help us find another flight just referred us to the phones. Once on the phone, the representative let us know there are not any flights available till the next day. They were also telling us that we would have to purchase another ticket at that! We asked if there was any way that we could just pay the difference and board the flight the next day but no. We were stuck in Vegas we thought.
So we gave up on Delta and went over to Southwest Airlines since one of our friends was taking them back to Houston. We checked with them told them what was going on. They were very understanding and told us they will help us out. They went out of their way to accommodate us by finding us a direct flight that night, gave us discounts on our tickets making it way less than what Delta was offering, and we took advantage of the free checked bags service they offer. We were so relieved! They really made our day, with the way they handled the situation. Even on the way down to Austin on the plane the flight attendants were so much nicer, and even the pilot was enjoyable. There was a very different vibe on the plane. They really won us over and we are now customers for life. Once in Austin we called Delta to complain and see if we could at least get some kind of credit because of the situation. We talked to the customer rep and he notifies us that we could only use the credit on a flight from Vegas to Austin and we would have to use it in 3 months. It was a ridiculous offer since we were not planning on going back to Vegas in 3 months. We were college students with barely any money to go in the first place! I now use Southwest whenever it’s available and refuse to use Delta airlines. Southwest airlines so far have been great. They have fair prices, free checked bags, offer great discounts and promotions. “More than a way to fly-A way of life” is what they say the Southwest Difference is. I made sure I voiced my opinion on FB about the horrible service I had with Delta and many seem to share similar stories. I was surprised I never thought I would care to think of what airline to fly. I would always just choose the cheapest flight and I guess you get what you buy. Customers are more likely to become and remain loyal if they have positive experiences and this was a very positive experience. They continue to be every time I use them and do create that customer experience through relating, and feeling aspect. I definitely identify myself with the brand, they relate to those who want fair priced tickets and feel free to bring what they can on the trip. That service gives the customers a feeling of no restrictions since they have the option of two free checked bags. For me Southwest conducted an emotional strategy and they saw an opportunity to win a customer.

1 comment:

  1. Alex,

    Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts. The story is well described and I can see how Southwest impressed you and Delta didn't. I also think that airlines should provide a total experience for their passengers so I'm a regular customer for JetBlue and Southwest. While the story is fun to read, if you analyzed your experience based on SEM, the post would have been better. For example, how will you categorize Delta's no sympathy and Southwest's help according to the model? In addition, for the next post, try to integrate class discussions and readings with your own story.
